The fourth outing for Secret Song at Levis Corner Bar in Ballydehob, Co. Cork, featuring Maiden Radio, Landless, Joan Shelly, Pete Coe, Xabi, SON/Susan O’Neill, Aindrias De Staic, Brendan Ring & Bean Dolan Niamh Regan, Kevin Ryan with Aindrais de Staic, poets Cormac Lally, David Jackson & Lewis, Old Time Rags, Bridget Kearney, Pete Coe, Bean, Irene and Bridget, Aindrias de Staic, Joey Wright & Band Diarmuid Brooke, Sharkey and Rozi Plain.
The ridiculously prolific They Might Be Giants lives at the Button Factory in Dublin. Photo by Leah Carroll.
Pale Waves with support from Swimming Girls at Belfast’s Elmwood Hall. Photos by Niall Fegan.
The incredible Anna Calvi, live at Dublin’s Tivoli Theatre. Photos by Alan Maguire.
The Lost Brothers performing at the singularly cosy Levis Corner Bar in Ballydehob, Cork. Photos by Jason Lee.
The ever-excellent Wyvern Lingo live at The Academy in Dublin. Photos by Ciara Brennan.
English singer-songwriter Nick Mulvey, live at Whelan’s in Dublin. Photos by Mark Earley.
Why? with support from Serengeti at Galway’s Roisin Dubh. Photos by Ciaran O’Maolain.
Frankie Cosmos with support from Squarehead and Music City at Dublin’s Button Factory. Photos by Zoe Holman.
It’s 7:30 PM on Wednesday the 22nd of August when the doors of the Helix open up to the mob of streetwear and ‘meet me at McDonalds’ haircuts that has gathered outside to see Brockhampton. Since last year, the California-based musical collective has been catapulted to the top of the international Hip-Hop scene, primarily through the incredible success of their “Saturation” albums. As the foyer of the venue is flooded with trendy twenty-somethings and swaggy umpteen year olds, there is definitely a unique buzz in the air. Somewhere between the talk of guest-list difficulties, mention of insufficient security and numerous…