Japan’s Shonen Knife are currently celebrating their 35th anniversary with an extensive tour, which took in Belfast’s Black Box as part of the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival. After a number of Japan-only releases in the early 80s, the Osaka group’s brand of infectious pop-punk eventually won western admirers including Sonic Youth, John Peel and Nirvana, and the band’s 90s peak saw them serve as an opening act for the UK leg of the Seattle band’s Nevermind Tour, as well winning gaining regular MTV airtime and slots on the Lollapalooza tour. Now on album number 20 and buoyed by the return…
Ahead of their Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival on Friday night, our photographer Shaun Neary captured Japanese all-female pop-punk trio Shonen Knife – supported by Kate’s Party – played Dublin’s Whelan’s last night, Tuesday, May 6.