Events - Guide

Culture Vultures First Birthday Party @ Odessa Club


Monthly Dublin pop culture event Culture Vultures celebrates its birthday at the Odessa Club on Wednesday, March 18 in the company of none other than the living, breathing manifestation of charming itself, the Divine Comedy’s Neil Hannon.

Over the last twelve months, Culture Vultures – which combines music, spoken word and public interview – has welcomed stellar line-ups to the intimate surrounds of the Dublin venue. The likes of Glenn Patterson, Liam Cunningham, Stuart Carolan, Lenny Abrahamson, and Panti have taken to sitting under the spotlight to chat with with Tony Clayton-Lea.

Tickets for the birthday celebration – priced at €15 – are available to buy right here.

is the editor of The Thin Air. Talk to him about Philip Glass and/or follow him on Twitter @brianconey.