• Irish Tour: Adrianne Lenker

    Adrianne Lenker live at Vicar Street in Dublin and the Black Box in Galway with support from Ellie O’Neill. Photos by Monika Ruman and Ciaran O Maolain Black Box in Galway by Ciaran O Maolain Vicar Street in Dublin by Monika Ruman

  • Adrianne Lenker – songs/instrumentals

    In April, Adrianne Lenker retreated to an isolated cabin in the midst of two crises: one public (the coronavirus pandemic) and one personal (a tough breakup).  Two albums, ‘songs’ and ‘instrumentals’, were recorded concurrently during this period, and feel at once like separate entities and like something whole. Comprising a collection of the lyric-based tracks we’ve come to know for Lenker, and two long instrumental pieces, they compliment each other perfectly, while offering many of their own charms. Had ‘instrumentals’ been released on its own, it would have risked being sidelined as a minor side project, but when paired with…