Album Reviews

Drown – Drown EP


Galway based experimental pop outfit Drown are set to drop their debut EP this month, a snappy four-track release that immediately beams with potential. The post-punk outfit were drawn together by their passion for experimental pop music, emerging with a punch towards the end of last year. Their sound however, suggests otherwise. Self-dubbed unintentional pop, the tracks appear heavily influenced by the more ethereal elements of 80s underground rock, drawing upon the likes of Sonic Youth and DIIV for inspiration.

The release sees the five-piece noise outfit rebel against typical pop music, creating a sound that is intoxicating, honest and thought-provoking. Leavened melodies are carried by heavy angular guitar leads creating something fresh and energetic. Robert Dalton’s captivating lyrics give each of the tracks a darker feel, focusing on more ominous topics.

The EP kicks off with lead track ‘Descent’. With an upbeat tempo it comes across as a fun alternative-rock track, that is until its grunge heavy catharsis after which there are more lyrical and melodic layers added to the mix. Laura McGennis’ hushed vocals add layers of texture to the track, both voices blending gorgeously with one another.

There’s a refreshing vitality to ‘Take Care’, a subdued track lead by a strong guitar riff and vocals reminiscent of Arcade Fire’s ‘Wake Up’.‘Narcos’ permeates with anger and frustration but has none of the pretence that comes with those emotions in regular “rock n’ roll”.

‘Tao’, the EPs strongest track, sounds as though it has been ripped right from the post-grunge, shoegaze period but maintains a playfulness that makes comparisons to Weezer just as feasible. Complete with a solid guitar hook, killer drums and soft vocals, ‘Tao’ serves as a perfect end to an EP that delivers what can only be described as an ideal introduction to the emerging talent that is Drown. Paula Murphy

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