
Ciaran Lavery Set For Lyric Theatre Show

Ciaran Lavery has announced details of a new live music experience at the Lyric Theatre.

One of the highlights from this year’s Belfast International Arts Festival programme, which takes over the city from 16th October until 23rd November, Light Entertainment follows the acclaimed Northern Irish artist as he battles against crippling creative self-doubt and the allure of procrastination-inducing distractions in a last-ditch attempt to create his next hit record.

Sound familiar?

Collective consciousness within the sphere of self-doubt and so much more aside, Lavery – who you’ll know as one of the island’s finest, most reliably shapeshifting artists – is sure to have dreamt up a live experience all his own.

Bringing music and musical theatre together against the backdrop of “a modern dystopian nightmare” (could it possibly be the one we’re living in right this moment? Time will tell) Light Entertainment is poised to redefine what a “gig” means, between the walls of one of the island’s very best theatres.

Light Entertainment takes place on Thursday, 14th November. You’ll definitely be wanting tickets.

is the editor of The Thin Air. Talk to him about Philip Glass and/or follow him on Twitter @brianconey.