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Visual Arts Outlook (30/3)


Mary Stevens delivers her weekly look at all things Visual Arts in Ireland, singling out works and showcases in Banbridge and Dublin.

The F.E Mc William Gallery and Studio – Banbridge
Virtually There w/ Ann Donnelly, Julie Forrester, Ann Henderson, Sharon Kelly and Andrew Livingstone.

Virtually There is a collaboration between artists and school children presented in a formal gallery context. The beautiful and generous space of the FE MCWilliam gallery is given over to the results of a considered body of work which reflects each individual artist and the school groups with which they were paired. Set out as separate projects, the focus of all the contributors pivots around the use of technology in the classroom and its context within these artists work. What is clear upon arrival is the distinction between different artists. Sharon Kelly’s work on a Man Running is a particular highlight.

Exhibition Continues to April 11

The Douglas Hyde Gallery – Trinity College Dublin
Rose Wylie & Indian Matchbox Labels

Gallery 1 – Rose Wylie

Rose Wylie’s paintings are confrontational on first encounter. These large authoritarian artworks command that you consider them in their context within contemporary culture. Referencing films such as Inglorious Basterds (pictured), Wylie places the work against popular media and quite openly criticises it. The aspects of creative spontaneity in her work are countered by the very definite and sure handed mark making on the canvas.

Gallery 2 – Indian Matchbox Labels

Gallery 2 of the Douglas Hyde shows an expansive collection of Indian Match Box labels. This study of the varying designs of matchbox labels highlights the variety and peculiarities of this often overseen design history.

Exhibition Continues to May 13

Project Arts Centre – Dublin

Garrett Phelan’s work in this specially commissioned exhibition at Project Arts Centre explores the varying and subtle connections between the contemporary digital age and traditional cultures by looking at individual antique artifacts. Frictions and tensions emerge as Phelan forces together the technology we use in our everyday lives; microphones, cables,  with gold objects in unidentifiable forms. Phelan explores the complex social systems of today alongside the practices of our ancestors while questioning if it is ever possible to move on.

The exhibition features animation and video work alongside his sculpture.

Garrett Phelan’s previous exhibitions include NEW FAITH LOVE SONG at IMMA Dublin 2012; ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENON at Context Gallery Derry 2011.

Exhibition Continues to April 9