
Video Premiere: girlfriend. – Trust

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Back in the mists of time (2016) we introduced the first iteration of North Dublin alternative band girlfriend, tipping them for Big Things in the future. Judging by the cost of living yadda yadda help, it’s now the future and it seems that, for all our high praise back then, we might have actually, inadvertently lowballed the band in question. In their final Super Saiyan form as a five-piece, girlfriend. are taking their rightful place as one of Ireland’s most vital bands.

“Vital how?” you ask? We hear you, and we see your concerns, but there’s a fair chance you slept on ‘Trust’. Released in March, off the back of ‘Repent’ at the tail-end of 2022, it’s a powerful, fuzzed-out paean to the hidden paths of hurt and healing. Evoking everyone from Slowdive to slowcore heroes Duster (shameless plug), girlfriend’s most cathartic single to date burrows deep via a wailing wall of layered vocals and noise.

In the five months since its release, the band have doubled down with a handful of stellar shows and even found time to reflect a little on their slow-burning evolution with TTA’s Jack Rudden. Fast-forward to the present-day and we’re delighted to premiere Craig Austin Reynold’s video for the single.

Captured via perfectly granular camcorder footage, it’s a suitably DIY mélange of the band living their best lives. Nothing is particularly out of the ordinary here: it’s all empty playgrounds and late-night band practices, but the tenderness of close friendship – and the shared vulnerability of being alive in a world that paves the aforementioned hidden paths of hurt – makes for a document of kindred souls surviving, pushing forward and creating together.

Ahead of news on the band’s upcoming debut album, which is expected at the end of the year, have a first look below.

Photo by Kate Lawlor

is the editor of The Thin Air. Talk to him about Philip Glass and/or follow him on Twitter @brianconey.