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Monday Mixtape: Susi Pagel

Off the back of her new single ‘S.T.R.E.S.S.E.D,’ Belfast alt-pop powerhouse Susi Pagel waxes lyrical about some of her all-time favourite songs, featuring Radiohead, Pale Waves and more

Jazmin Bean – Favourite Toy

The Traumatic Livelihood album became one of my favourites of all time so quickly. I knew it would be amazing, I added the whole thing to my playlist before I’d even listened- but this song really stood out to me and is one of my most listened to songs despite only coming out last year. What draws me to Jazmin’s music, especially this track, is the way they’re able to take really horrible and dark experiences and turn them into the most beautiful songs. Without lyrics, Favourite Toy is so upbeat and sparkly but the words they’re singing are so full of hurt and trauma and putting the instrumental and lyrics together just makes this song so special and bittersweet.

Radiohead – My Iron Lung

This track is so nostalgic for me because I remember listening to it a lot on drives home in my dad’s car. I love that music can hold memories like that and transport you back to years ago when you listen to it. A lot of the songs I love come from what my parents were listening to when I was younger. My mum loved 2000’s and 80’s pop and my dad was more into rock and metal. I think both of those elements are present in my music because of them. This is one of the songs that stuck with me, it’s so memorable, and I’ve always loved coming back to it and feeling that nostalgia.

McFly – Ignorance

This is another one of those songs that I listened to as a child and have never stopped loving. McFly were my first musical obsession and were the reason I started writing music when I was nine. I used to get so frustrated when people overlooked them or said they were a Busted copy when their songwriting has always been so good! This track was my favourite by McFly and still is, I think Dougie Poynter’s lyricism is so interesting and he manages to write the catchiest and coolest songs every time.

Mars Argo – Angry

When Mars Argo randomly dropped this song I listened to it about 50 times in a row. I’ve been a fan for years and to see her make a comeback with Angry was so special. Her sound has always been so fascinating to me and really inspires my music. I love that Angry sounds like an evolved version of Mars and the production on the track is incredible. Hearing it for the first time reminded me why I love making music, like all of her releases do.

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box

I wanted to include a Nirvana song because they’re one of my favourite bands and have been for a long time. ‘Heart Shaped Box’ is the most special for me because I remember deciding to do it as a cover for our headline set at City Hall on pride. That was the biggest show we’d done and when we did this song, it was the first time I’d had a big crowd sing back to me. That’s one of my favourite memories and the track will always be really important to me after it.

Melanie Martinez – Battle of the Larynx

I had to include a Melanie song because she’s without a doubt inspired me more than any other artist or band. I discovered her music when I was fourteen and watched all of her music videos on repeat. To me, she’s always been so different to any other artists and I really connected with the concepts in her videos. I’d love to be at a point where I could create visuals like that. ‘Battle of The Larynx’ is my favourite off her latest album, it’s such a powerful song and I cried my eyes out getting to hear it live last year.

Pale Waves – Television Romance

Pale Waves are another band that inspires me so much. I’ve seen them play five times and they get better every show. Television Romance was the first song of theirs that I heard in 2018, and I immediately fell in love with it. What drew me to them so much was that their look was so gothic, which completely contrasted the music. I remember them getting a lot of hate over that but I thought it was so cool that they were just dressing how they wanted and making whatever music they wanted and it didn’t matter if those things were entirely different.

Linkin Park – One Step Closer

My guitarist Jack and I decided we had to throw in a Linkin Park song because while I didn’t realise they’ve apparently influenced me, we were once referred to as “bedroom pop Linkin Park” by someone at a gig. They never specified whether it was a compliment or not, but we’ve taken it as one and sometimes I’m convinced I should include it in my bios. This is our favourite Linkin Park track and now I feel like we should do a bedroom pop cover of it?

is the editor of The Thin Air. Talk to him about Philip Glass and/or follow him on Twitter @brianconey.