
Watch: StopTheWheel – ShakeUp

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How many ‘Campfire R&B’ artists can you think of off the top of your head? It’s a curious sonic genus, after all, and one that appears to be exclusive to Italian avant-pop explorer StopTheWheel AKA Francesco Candura. Taken from the (we hope and pray) Danny-Glover-in-Lethal Weapon-referencing Too Old For This Shit – an EP which be released via Dublin’s Little Gem Records on Friday, May 20 – ‘ShakeUp’ is his latest single. Accompanied by a video by Gustav Willeit, it’s all a bit tUnE-yArDs meets Royal Trux, Candura’s pitched vocals, 4-track production and measured acoustic patterns merging to create something that can only be described as borderline dangerously catchy.

is the editor of The Thin Air. Talk to him about Philip Glass and/or follow him on Twitter @brianconey.